Upcomming Movies
Monday, August 31, 2009
posani krishna's Gentalman images
Labels:telugua1movies,tollywood latest,nbk,ntr
posani krishna's Gentalman
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ganesh Movie Latest Stills
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Ganesh Movie Latest Stills
Venkatesh, Kamal Hassan in EENADU : Photo Gallery
Labels:telugua1movies,tollywood latest,nbk,ntr
Kamal Hassan in EENADU : Photo Gallery,
Nag B'day Celebration Pics
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Nag B'day Celebration Pics
Friday, August 28, 2009
Maa Nanna Chiranjeevi
Labels:telugua1movies,tollywood latest,nbk,ntr
Maa Nanna Chiranjeevi
12:20 AM (8 hours ago)Happy Birthday to Nagarjuna : Production 12 wallpapers
Manmadhudu "Akkineni Nagarjuna" is going to celebrate his 50th birthday tomorrow. A hearty birthday wishes to Nag from Early Tollywood.
And the new movie of Nag has started as Production 12, Sandeep Chowta giving music on the banner of Annapurna and Kamakshi Kalaa Movies. Checkout the wallpapers and Photo gallery.
And the new movie of Nag has started as Production 12, Sandeep Chowta giving music on the banner of Annapurna and Kamakshi Kalaa Movies. Checkout the wallpapers and Photo gallery.
Labels:telugua1movies,tollywood latest,nbk,ntr
12:20 AM (8 hours ago)Happy Birthday to Nagarjuna : Production 12 wallpapers
Thursday, August 27, 2009
à°µెంà°•à°Ÿేà°·్ 'à°—ంà°—ా'

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Labels:telugua1movies,tollywood latest,nbk,ntr
à°µెంà°•à°Ÿేà°·్ 'à°—ంà°—ా'
Balakrishna’s Bheeshma in pending

The Balakrishna’s Bheeshma movie produced by Bellamkonda Suresh movie in dilamo because of the Past issues with Suresh and Nandamuri family not encouraging the movies with him.
Looks like Bheeshma is not going to take shape in the near future. Ramesh Varma the director and Paruchuri Gopalakrishna who are working on the story, dialogues may need to hunt for another hero.
Sources tell that Balakrishna’s family is against the actor working in Bellamkonda Suresh’s production. We learn that the actor has now instead of saying ’No’ to the film is reportedly quoting five crores as his remuneration to avoid the film.
Labels:telugua1movies,tollywood latest,nbk,ntr
Balakrishna’s Bheeshma in pending
Ekniranajan Stills Latest
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Ekniranajan Stills Latest
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